New book by Howard West

New book by Howard West
Release May 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gift of the Watchers

The Books of Geneses and Noah/Enoch speak of several nonhuman beings, the Watchers or the sons of God that gave Mankind certain pieces of knowledge (not all good). Some examples of those gifts knowledge were the manufacturing of mirrors with the implication that those mirrors were clad with liquid metal, quicksilver and a complementary gift of a written language. Tradition says the Being that gave that written language to Mankind had many names, one name was Thoth, according to Egyptian legend; we find that the temple of Hermopolis once housed held fragments of the Cosmic Egg. One of the Symbols for this system of communication from Thoth was the Egyptian god Horus. Therefore, for clarification, I have taken a short excerpt from my new book Locked Gates by Howard West; and turned that excerpt into a video that shows the historical connections that links the Egyptian god Horus to that written language, I am Twitter the Great Falcon.

For a complete treatment on this subject, Locked Gates is available through
 and Ebookit in all Ebook formats,
 and most ebooks retailers.