New book by Howard West

New book by Howard West
Release May 2011

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Only one problem with this dirty snow ball propaganda from NASA: comets are not dirty snow balls. A Harvard astronomer, Fred Whipple, in the nineteen fifties developed the theory that comet’s nuclei were “dirty snowballs.”4 On July 4th 2005 NASA lost a bet. NASA had spent millions of taxpayer dollars only to have Fred Whipple’s “Dirty Snowball Comet Theory” blow up in a “cloud of dust.” NASA thought that “The Deep Impact Mission” was going to the comet “Tempel 1” to confirm that comets were “Dirty Snowballs full of water.” However, the “Impactor” drilled a dry hole!
Deep Impact Was a
Dust-up, Not a Gusher
Press Release No.: 05-23
Center for Astrophysics
By P. Pullian July 8, 2005
“Cambridge, MA- Smithsonian astronomers watched as the "Impactor Probe” from NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft hit Comet Tempel 1 earlier this week (July 4th 2005). They monitored the impact using the ground-based Submillimeter Array (SMA) in Hawaii and NASA's orbiting Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS). Results are still coming in, but so far the scientists report seeing only weak emission from water vapor (if it had been a dirty snowball the Deep Impact copper Impactor would have had very strong emissions of water) and a host of other gases that were expected to erupt from the impact site. The most conspicuous feature of the blast was brightening due to sunlight scattered by the ejected dust.”

Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite principal investigator Gary Melnick of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics said.

It's pretty clear that this event did not produce a gusher,” The more optimistic predictions for water output from the impact haven't materialized, at least not yet?

For some strange reason NASA still clings to Fred Whipple, “Failed Dirty Snow Ball Comet Theory. “ Even though the Hard Data from the Tempel 1 Mission copper Impactor clearly shows that comets are made up of mostly rock and have very little water ice. In fact the first estimates were “only one quarter inch of light snow on the surface of Tempel 1”, according to my conversation with NASA's' Don Yeomans  with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a Senior Research Scientist, Supervisor for the Solar System Dynamics Group, and Manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office.  The data from the Submillimeter Array (SMA) in Hawaii and NASA's orbiting Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) was a shocking surprised to NASA, an outcome that disproved Fred’s “-Dirty Snow-Ball- Theory” and many other theories based on this Dirty Snowball concept. However, Don Yeoman of NASA called me (Howard West) on July, 13, 2009 to try to convince me that the water ice recently confirmed ice on the moon was from cometary impacts.
Then a strange thing happened on September 24, 2009, the L.C.R.O.S.S. orbiter, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) 4 and the SWAS’s data was released, data showing water vapor escaping over the Moon’s surface, water that the failed “Dirty Snowball Theory” cannot explain. NASA was confounded”, where did the Moon’s water ice come from? Consequently, on October, 10, 2009, when two of NASA’s space craft went crashing into the water ice-filled craters at the Moon’s south pole they did as much damage as a bullet fired into a snow drift of powered snow, NASA failed again to confirm Whipple’s dirty snow ball theory, because, a “Dirty Snow Ball Comet would have left compacted water ice not Fluff Water Ice.


Don Yeoman was not happy when confronted with that fact on October, 10, 2009, because NASA was depending on the solid water ice as propellant to be used in thermal nuclear rockets. A proven nuclear water steam rocket system (KIWI B4-1965 and KIWI TNT -1965) developed in the mid-1960. A nuclear water steam propulsion system with thrust out puts which can be designed to exceed that of the

 Space Shuttle liquid Hydrogen oxygen rocket engines. These nuclear engines are much cheaper to operate because there is no need to break the bond of the water molecule to then reform that bond in an explosive combustion. Just inject the solid water ice into the chamber containing “the super-hot nuclear pile”. This nuclear heated steam system is also cheaper because, the propellant can be stored in solid form there is no need for expensive pressurized containers. The other advantage for NASA would have been if this solid water ice had been on the Moon and comets as refueling stations; with no need to bring propulsion components from earth to do interplanetary space exploration.

However, without this solid water ice on the moon and comets NASA had to reconfigure its future of man space exploration: the reason being that the moon’s water ice is too light and fluffy, a type of water ice that cannot be from a snowball type comet impact, the ice from a snowball comet would be hard and compacted, that way NASA could easily harvest that water ice from comets and the moon.  NASA also can’t figure out why the water ice of the moon eats their probes like the cotton in a ballistic testing chamber. This was not how the Dirty Snow Ball theory said that water ice should have been deposited on the moon. Now NASA says that comets and the moon have frozen water hidden inside that vent.
To understand where that fluffy water ice on the Moon came from we must first understand where the Moon came from, because the L.C.R.O.S.S. Orbiter, India’s Space Agency and the SWAS’s data was released September, 24, 2009 showed water vapor escaping over the Moon’s surface, not just at its poles. The answer to where the water on the Moon is from stories of the ancient past and that answer will surprise you.

Therefore, for clarification, I have taken a short excerpt from my book Locked Gates by Howard West; and turned that excerpt into a video that shows the historical connections that links the Melt Water Pulse 1B  to the water ice on the Moon, The Super Storm Melt Water Pulse 1B.

For a complete treatment on this subject, Locked Gates is available through
and Ebookit in all Ebook formats,
 and most ebooks retailers

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